
electronic brain surgery since 2001


Hi, I'm Andreas Gohr and splitbrain.org is my website. I'm a web developer and maker living in Berlin, Germany. If you're new here, feel free to check out the blog posts and links below.

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New Monitor My trusty Samsung Syncmaster monitors from 2009 started to show their age and even though I managed to repair one of them three years ago, it started to show intermediate blackouts again. This time I accidentally ripped off a solder pad from its circuit board when attempting another repair.…

Unicode Macros on Keychron QMK/VIA I recently bought a a Keychron K1 Pro keyboard. It runs the Open Source QMK/VIA firmware and it is quite easy to remap keys and create custom macros using the online interface at usevia.app. Creating a macro that simply sends a couple of keystrokes is relatively straight forward. But I couldn't find a definite guide on how one would create a macro that inserts Unicode. But I figured it out in the end.…

Stanley Silent Compressor Repair I own a small, oil-less compressor sold by Stanley. It really is a product developed by Italian company FNA and licensed to different companies. I believe the compressor is sold under at least these names: * Stanley 100/8/6 Silent Air Compressor DST * Airboy Silence 116 OF E…

Hugo vs. Lektor (vs. Grav) About two or three years ago I completely revamped the web site of my employer CosmoCode. Back then I picked Grav as the CMS. Grav Grav is a PHP based flat file content management system. I had made a smaller website with it for Kaddi's mum's…

Finding the Best Toaster Toast has been mentioned in this blog surprisingly often. I like toast, so when, after 8 years, my current Toaster started to misbehave I needed a replacement. This turned out more difficult than you'd think. My old toaster was a Russell Hobbs…

Love Letter to my Dog It's exactly one year since Kaddi and I drove to the shelter and picked up Tarly the dog. One year of daily walks. One year of feeding, grooming and petting. One year of setting rules and boundaries and sometimes letting them slide. One year of growing closer and more comfortable with each other. One year of falling in love.…

MICO Toastie About 8 years ago I blogged about Toastabags - simple bags that allow you to make grilled cheese sandwiches in a Toaster. I still love them, I still use them. But recently I stumbled about a thing in this YouTube video: Ashens and Barry are using a…

Soldering Station Box For decades I used a very cheap soldering iron without any temperature control. When it was time to replace it, I went for a TS80 - a tiny soldering iron powered by USB-C. It was great, but the display died after just a few uses. So I replaced it with a…

End of Year Wood Working The year is nearly over, time to quickly post about the three last wood working projects. The first was some firewood shelves. Since we had felled a tree in October and we had also ordered some commercial firewood, a proper storage solution was needed.…

Clamps! It's a well known fact in wood working that you can never have enough clamps. But clamps are expensive. So when I ran out again during a recent project, I decided to browse the local classifieds to see if there might be a good deal to be had.…

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