
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Browse and Search Silk-like 16x16 Icons

If you often work on (web)applications you probably know this: you've added a new feature and now need a little icon. Luckily this got a lot easier when Mark James released his impressive Silk Icon Set. And since then others extended on his work by creating additional icon sets in similar style.

However finding the one icon fitting for your feature is a time consuming task. If you're like me, you first need to redownload the zip file because you forgot where you put the icons the last time. Then you need to browse them in some file browser. And loading all those small icons always seems to take ages…

Maybe you're better organized than me, but this happened to me on an almost monthly basis. I finally had enough and decided to put all the icons at a central place.

I created preview images for all the icon sets. This way I just need to load a single image to view all icons. An image map then makes the individual icons available for direct download. And because that wasn't enough I also added some JavaScript to search for icons based on their filename.

So here's the result: Browse and Search 16x16 Icons.

If you like to run it yourself or modify it to your needs, you can fetch the bunch of scripts from github.

icons, 16x16, silk, onlineservice, tool, webdesign
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